I Want Wiped Character Descriptions

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I Want Wiped Character Descriptions

Postby zhu » Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:17 pm

Gimme. Approved by the mods or not. Maximum length 200 words.

Bonus points if it's Scamandros or Roo
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Re: I Want Wiped Character Descriptions

Postby Ashteroth » Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:37 pm

Roo is my wife in RL, and she did not have an actual description, so I had permission to create one for you.

Roo (How I see Roo): She is a petite woman and often underestimated. Her dirty blonde hair wraps about her face and drapes over her shoulders, occasionally masking her mischievous eyes. Roo's beauty is intoxicating enough to cause men around her to lean in and try to sneak a kiss.

Roo (How Roo sees herself): Deep brown hair is pulled back into a forest-green cloth with but a few loose strands shielding her purple eyes. Her careers cause her to remain fit and swift, ready for combat at a moments notice or to aid the injured when it becomes necessary. Roo's beauty is intoxicating enough to cause men around her to lean in and try to sneak a kiss.

Rose: A once elegant lady is now more machine than flesh, having long since sworn complete allegiance to Aszmiras. Her grey hair streaked with dull red and fading, otherwise rose-red lips and darkened eyes, show the signs of an aging woman weary and tired from the many years of fighting. However, Rose's prowess as a berserker is famed through out Ravenfall wielding the master's hammer and her light-hearted personality can be gleamed from the twinkle in her eyes and found in her laughter.
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Re: I Want Wiped Character Descriptions

Postby Ravel » Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:32 am

I will continue to use these descriptions, not sure if that will matter for whatever you had planned.

Artemis: Dull armor seems to shroud this man, stained with blood and grime. Artemis stands about 5'8", a pair of ghostly eyes staring from behind a masked face. Locks of pristine white seem to fall down to the his neck, yet, tainted by the grime and dirt of life in Ravenfall. Strapped to his back is a large axe, hanging by weathered brown leather. Though more metal than flesh, having devoted himself to the machine god, Artemis' moves with grace -- an air of superiority emanating from him.

Ravel: Swathed entirely in mottled grey clothing, a grey mask covering his face leaving only the piercing blue of his eye visible, Ravel melds in and out of the shadows that surround him. Light brown hair, just short enough so it doesn't disrupt his vision, is unkempt and riddled with sewage; though the lack of stench astounds. A keyring, packed full of lockpicks hangs from his left wrist at his side; while he twirls a stiletto that his been painted black with his right hand.
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Re: I Want Wiped Character Descriptions

Postby zhu » Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:19 pm


given a choice, would you "retire" your name and have your character become part of the game in some way?

or would you want to leave it open for you to use?
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Re: I Want Wiped Character Descriptions

Postby Ravel » Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:14 pm

I think that depends on how it is used. For example, the monument to the fifth age, I wouldn't retire a name for something like that -- the names are years of me playing as though I were them.
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Re: I Want Wiped Character Descriptions

Postby Ashteroth » Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:31 pm

Considering one of mine is already retired, I'm cool with keeping Rose. I plan to rebuild Rose with better stats next version.
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Re: I Want Wiped Character Descriptions

Postby Ravel » Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:43 pm

I Suppose I'm willing to give up the characters, though I love Ravel dearly. Never had a stealther named anything else except during that bad times.
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