Blood Dusk Helpfiles


This is an overview of command parsing on Blood Dusk. It is very similar to normal Circlemud (and therefore, Dikumud) format, so if you are familiar with that, you can probably just skim this text.

The command parser usually takes commands in the form:
<command> [<target 1>] [<target 2>]...

The parameters (that is, all the data following the command) vary depending on the command. There is a help entry for every command; if you're confused about the syntax for a specific command, try typing 'help <command>', where <command> is the name of the command you're trying to use.

Normally spaces are considered parameter separators, so one-word commands are used. (For example, 'get' rather than'pick up'.) Sometimes you'll want to name an object with multiple keywords; in this case, use periods to separate the keywords. See naming for more information.

Aliases can be quite useful for saving yourself typing.

The repeat commands, ! and ^, are also useful for repeating similar commands. They work similarly to the same characters in UNIX shells.
