Blood Dusk Helpfiles


Blood Dusk is different from muds that you may have played in the past. Although it is based on Circle/Diku, most of the core gameplay is unique to Dusk. Just a few of Dusk's original offerings include combat, skill groups, communication, money, and death. (Although this is not to say that inspiration has not been drawn from many sources!)
Movement, commerce, informational commands, and groups all work more or less as you may have seen in the past on other Diku- or LP-based muds, although it is still recommended that you browse the helpfiles careful as there are key differences.
You can take a look at the different careers that are available for your character. Mix and match to produce a one-of-a-kind character type.

The account system is somewhat unique, although you may have seen its like elsewhere if you play non-Diku muds.

PK (and related activities) are allowed and indeed an important part of gameplay, although not necessarily the focus. In this respect it is similar to Arctic (my favorite mud, and probably the main inspiration for Dusk).

Why should you play here? Here's a few key features:
- Fun and very original style-based combat system.
- Skillgroup-based system.
- Huge selection of interesting and USEFUL skills, only some of which are combat-oriented.
- Skill system based on use and learning with a teacher (rather than 'practices').
- Player-run factions which can build strongholds, enlist NPCs, and make alliances or war upon one another.
- Completely original areas, created exclusively for Blood Dusk.
- A dark, moody theme that avoids trite fantasy trappings.

Here are some things that Blood Dusk does NOT have:
- Levels.
- Classes.
- Elves, dwarves, trolls, orcs, or hobbits.
- Boring skills or spells (fireball/bash/magic missle).
- Midgaard, the Shire, Enfans...

Enjoy your stay here, and please do not hesitate to leave feedback via the bug, idea, or typo commands, or on the message board, or via email:
