Blood Dusk Helpfiles


help [<help topic>]
The help system is simply a series of short texts describing commands and other aspects of Blood Dusk. To use it, simply type the 'help' command, followed by the topic name. The topic name can be abbreviated: for example, 'help eng' will bring up help on the engage command. Skills and special abililties are not always browsable; your character must have knoweldge of the item in question to get help on it.

For easier browsing, reading the help files on the web is recommended. The address is:
Help pages are generally broken into four major sections: usage, description, examples, and see also.

Usage shows how the command will appear when you type it. Parameters may be bracketed by '<' and '>', which indicates that the word should not be typed literally, but rather replaced with a user-supplied value. If the parameter is bracketed by '[' and ']', it indicates that this is an option parameter.

The description is some text describing the topic.

Examples show some example uses of the command, exactly as you would type them.

See also indicates related topics that you may want to investigate.

help movement
help attack
help quit

See Also