Blood Dusk Helpfiles


It is possible for you, the player, to be completely passive during combat between the time you type engage and the time that you defeat, or are defeated by, your foe. By taking a more active role, however, you will have a much higher chance of success. Here are a few tips toward planning your combat strategy:

- Use the consider command to get a rough feel for a potential opponent's strength. Read their description as well, for that may give clues. Finally, look at the surrounding area - do they have allies that are likely to come to their aid if you attack them?

- Look for your opponent's weaknesses, and then focus on attacks which exploit them. For example, a very skilled opponent might easily parry your attacks, but if you unbalance them first you will be able to hit them while they are on the ground.

- Watch the combat messages. If your defenses are "desperate" or "clumsy" while your opponent is "skillful" or "stunning", it's probably time to flee and save yourself the indignity of a defeat.

- If one style isn't working well, try switching to another. Fencers, for example, are not very effective against a heavily armored soldier who has a high sharpness absorb. Instead you might want to switch to brawler so that you can try to trip them. If you don't have more than one fighting style. then you may not have much of a chance against certain opponents.

- If you are being ganged up on, you should probably flee and look for a one-on-one fight. Multiperson combat is difficult, though it can be a fun challenge for a skilled combatant.

- Group! Several players together will be able to take on opponents that are much stronger than you can handle by yourself.

- Make use of your non-combat skill groups to bolster your strengths. Theology, stealth, music, beastmastery, and witchcraft are among the skill groups that can assist you and your allies during combat.

See Also